Where’s the baby? Sofia 4 weeks old!!!
Sofia 8 months old… “What’s this on my head? Don’t want it…”
Sofia is a a lucky girl, most years she will get to celebrate two Easters, the Western and Easter Europe dates.
Her first ever Easter was last week and while Mummy and Daddy were chowing down on chocolate eggs, Sofia was getting Easter cards and coloured eggs…
Although Mum and Dad got a bit of food poisoning during our trip to Turkey, Sofia had a great time!
Here is some videos that we took. The first is of Sofia on the beach with her dad, just chillaxing…
Just outside the hotel there were lots of street cats that Sofia visited every day and had a word with…
(This seemed to be Sofia’s favourite part of the holiday!)
We went on a 3 day trip to Pamukkale and back (via of course some Turkish carpet factories, jewellery and leather shops who were sponsering the trip 😉 ). Pamukkale was very cool. It looked like a giant glacier, but is actually calcium deposits coming from the 35 degree hot springs.
Back at the hotel, Sofia waved at the sea and the sea waved back!
Sofia has been eating really well. Her Mum makes her different mashed up mixes of potatoes, parnsnips and her favourite… carrots!
She is also drinking water from her own little bottle that she likes to hold herself.
At the weekend, we visited Ikea and Sofia had great fun trying to pull everything off its shelves.
But the most fun is playing with all her presents that she got at Christmas 🙂