Was a busy week this week with cards and presents coming for me almost everyday and people from all over the world calling to see how I was doing… It’s good to be loved 🙂
The health visitor came and I got weighed and measured and everything was going up nicely. Daddy made some inappropriate jokes about celebrating with a bottle of whisky and the health visitor sat him down to have a talk about the dangers of drinking with a young child and gave him some leaflets on coping with his alcoholism… What an embaressment!
Mummy’s friends Annika and Carina couldn’t wait to meet me so came on Monday and brought my first jeans dress and two tops with small red cat paws on them.
I also had my first ever bath this week. As with every new experience, I started screaming by default at first, but as soon as Mummy and Daddy put me in the water, I really enjoyed it and I did my best to leave more water on the floor than in the bath tub by the time I was ready and clean.
You can take the man out of Armadale but you cant take Armadale out the man!!!!!